I Used My First YouTube Monetization Check To Invest Into The Stock Market…

Yup! You read that title of this blog correct…

I am someone that is 100% transparent with numbers and my investments.

Just a disclaimer, before I jump into my thought processes.

I am not someone that is better than you or has any special background talents…

I am not a professionally investor, but I stride to inform myself daily.

Because without knowledge you will follow instead of listening to your own thoughts.

Let’s start…

So I created a YouTube channel back in 2022 (mind you, I still ran an agency during this time but wanted to share with others how to make money online because I WAS ACTUALLY DOING IT, and had the proof unlike many creators in todays time.)

There’s so much content online, yet I’d like to think what I share is slightly different.

I have one channel educating individual on how to make money from the comfort of your home, while the other channel reveals what I do with the earned money.

YouTube monetized my main channel back in 2022, it only took ONE video to blow the channel up.

Sadly, I do not post on it as much.

Because I am focused on really DOING what I teach.

I choose to educate myself over posting on social media what I am learning as I am learning lol. (I know kind of a tongue twister but that is just my ethical morals.)

Anyways, now that you understand I have two channels and the purpose behind the two.

Let me get into why I used my first YouTube check to fund my investment journey.

Short answer, why not?

Seriously, that is practically money made digitally…no hard labor, no mastermind plan, just an upload and boom 1-2 months later it went “viral”

Instead of using that money to go buy a purse, technology or pay a bill down.

I chose to do the opposite…

Put it into something that will MAYBE give me a return.

I say maybe because I had no idea of the stock I purchased at the time.

Yet, I personally took that risk of placing $3,000 into a stock.

Everyone’s risk tolerance is different, but I genuinely felt that I could not lose.

Since the money was made without really having to do much but to share my experience.

The power of YouTube monetization is most effective if you reinvest it…

Not talking about camera gear cause we all know that is not required now a days.

I am talking about the money you make from YouTube…what are you spending it on?