This Financial Decision Made Me Understand Wealth…

Before I jump into this, I will be making it more of an habit to type out the investments and the plans I am constructing daily…

Investing into stocks is one of the many investments I will be partaking in.

I never knew much about stocks, heck…I still am trying to inform myself till this day lol.

Investing into stocks was probably the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life…

I am not even being dramatic, because it taught me patience.

Profits are cool too, but being able to buy a share and hold it, seeing it grow over time without having to actually do anything (well of course you want to keep an eye out on the company you’ve invested in.)

This is literally how the wealthy stay wealth, they buy low and sell high…

When everyone is out buying cars, jewelry and clothing. They are investing into assets that will make them a return in the long run.

The average person would rather spend their money NOW on things that will not add VALUE to their life.

“The poor know the price of everything, but not the value of nothing” – Oscar Wilde

This quote may come off as ignorant, but let’s take emotion out of it.

Bottomline, is that it’s closer to the truth if you read it over and over.

If you’re someone that has the privilege enough to go shopping, out to eat or even get that coffee brewed while you wait in line.

You are more than capable to reinvest…

This is my perspective on money:

It does not matter how much money you have, it’s what you do with that current amount you do have.

Some may argue they do not have enough money, yet they have enough to go party or buy that new pair of shoes…

These are simply what I call, “financial habits.”

Luckily, they are just choices…choices we can fix ONLY if we want to…

I’ve learned at a pretty young age, that money is nothing more than a transaction.

Unfortunately, we’ve been wired to view money as a way to exchange currency for items.

If money is viewed as a way to get a product, then we begin to calculate –
how long it would take us to get it…

As in, “how many hours do I have to work to get X?” or “How much do I have to save in order to do X?”

Thinking like this will keep you chasing your own tail…

The wealthy look at money as a form of time…

Allow me to explain in depth.

What I’ve learned is, money can get you into rooms of other wealthy people.

You don’t even have to be “rich” yourself…

How do I know this? Well, I did it!

Instead of spending $17,000 on a down payment for a brand new car.

I attended a mastermind, which place me in a room of wealthy individuals.

This taught me how they thought, and I learned how each person generated their income.

Even met a multi-million…

Shockingly he looked like any other person you’d be standing behind at a deli restaurant.

The amount of knowledge I learned in such a short amount of time, was well worth the investment.

Yet, so many are constantly holding themselves from gaining unknown knowledge because of their financial habits.

Money is energy, energy can change form…

Which is why, I say the wealthy use their money as energy, which can be changed to:
– more money
– more knowledge
– more connections
– more investment